Seeds of Light (91-100); October 16, 2020
Autor: Marin Mihalache  |  Album: SEEDS OF LIGHT  |  Tematica: Meditatii
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Seeds of Light (91-100); October 16,2020

91. While we are climbing the mountain we cannot see with our eyes the other side of the mountain. But by faith we believe that it is there, that exists. Even thinking only logically, by common sense, there cannot be one side of the mountain without the other. To see both sides of the mountain, however, we should arrive at the peak. Only those who climb on all the way to the top of the mountain can see all sides of the mountain, the valleys beneath and the heavens above.

92. It might be a temptation for many of us to say like Thomas: we have an excuse because we have had not the chance to see Christ face to face after the resurrection. But if it were to see Him walking today among us, will we have more faith? A miraculous appearance, a visible presence of Christ on earth in this age, would take away our gift of freedom, the choice to believe or not. God does not want to take away our free will. He wants to make us free by our own free will.

 93. What we cannot understand or rather what we don’t want to understand is that Christ did not come into the world to make the man more “happy”, but to save him. The narrow way which binds earth to heaven is not a punishment, but neither is an easy and “fun” generating endeavor. For if we accept the idea that the reason we have come into the world is to satisfy our senses with pleasure, such purpose would lower our human condition, would offend our intelligence.

94. If we look in the history, without the perspective and understanding of God’s plan for salvation what purpose we then still have? Without a higher sense of life, there is no hope. We have always run in opposite direction than that which has been revealed to us by God. Because of this, the history of mankind has been and continues to be a rejection of a heavenly gift or a lower choice of man to live by bread and only for bread alone.

95. In the agony of his continual deception, the man is losing the sense of his existence. He is still struggling to build instead of a temple of shining light on the hill a tower of Babel with underground pillars directed towards darkness. Man continues to build catacombs of darkness instead of temples of holiness. And all of these in the name of freedom. And all these things are happening because in the rebellious war of all against all, we all have forgotten to love and to share the gifts that God has granted us, the commandment to give not to keep under the bushel. And the light hidden under the bushel has burnt us. Who will save us from the fire of our own desolation? Not man alone. He has been proven too many times to be too weak and naïve, and the devil has deceived him so many times. Man has an existential need for God.

96. On a dim road, in darkness, we are all are blind because one after the other, generation after generation, we followed like a blind flock of sheep one another, and we have been led one by another so many times too close to the pit of perdition. When today Christ, the graceful physician, heals the sight of someone like He did for the blind man in the gospel so many other men around who are seeing the blind man being healed may also be saved. On a narrow path, in the darkness, sometimes even a small flicker of light is a blessing if that light helps us to arrive at the right destination.

97. Man can so easily be deceived by the powers of darkness that he even neglects the life that had been given to him as a gift of light. God created man not only to exist for a while, but to live forever with him. We need somebody to live for and how wonderful is when the one whom we live for is eternal!

98. Oh, earth ransom for eternity! You have received the grace of God to grow in your womb the Son of Man who came to save you. But instead of being saved, you buried the man into the tomb of thy emptiness. Only that the holy blood is always living. Therefore, earth, open your graves, for the Lord is soon coming!

99. Love is the food with which God wants to feed us alike with the heavenly manna in the wilderness. The food that man feeds with himself is determining the main characteristics of his personality. God is that parent who feeds his children with bread of life and love.

100. Life is that privilege that had been given to us to see and serve God. If at the end of this marathon through existence we cannot perceive a glimpse of His presence, there is still the hope to see Him after death. If at the end of our earthly life we have not seen Him, that awareness of our blindness, of our ineptitude and disappointment that we lived in vain would not be possible without His presence in us.



„Christ did not come into the world to make the man more “happy”, but to save him. The narrow way which binds earth to heaven is not a punishment, but neither is an easy and “fun” generating endeavor. ” A great truth! „Therefore, earth, open your graves, for the Lord is soon coming!” Aleluia, amin!
Adăugat în 28/12/2020 de loredanam
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